Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Found You!

Man, blog searching is HARD! There are some new additions to our grad list, and I know I am missing a lot. If you guys know of a graduate's blog that is not on this list, please email it to me at 2002rhs@gmail.com.


wells angel momma said...

just so people know the site for my blog is thewellsangels.blogspot.com-- it isn't working on this site-- so-- anyways- Ashlie

Rigby High Class of 2002 said...

fixed now - the link should work

wells angel momma said...

thankyou-- i think our kids are cute too- but i am their mom sooo.... and thankyou for fixing the link-- i'm not to interesting so people weren't missing much-- but thanks anyways!

Rigby High Class of 2002 said...

no problem :)